Welcome to my website ...you may find here some information about me, my friends and your life. You may come here as a guest and leave as a friend... This page is for all christian people who try to know the truth.
Past and future, ever blending, Are the twin sides of same page: New start will begin with ending When you know to learn from age; All that was or be tomorrow We have in the present, too; But what's vain and futile sorrow You must think and ask of you;
For the living cannot sever
From the means we've always had:
Now, as years ago, and ever,
Men are happy or are sad:
Other masks, same play repeated;
Diff'rent tongues, same words to hear;
Of your dreams so often cheated,
Have no hope and have no fear.
Votati ptr. noi!
Viitorul si trecutul Sunt a filei doua fete, Vede-n capat inceputul Cine stie sa le-nvete; Tot ce-a fost ori o sa fie In present le-avem pe toate, Dar de-a lor zadarnicie Tu intreaba si socoate.
Caci acelorasi mijloace
Se supun cite exista.
Si de mii de ani incoace
Lumea-i vesela si trista;
Alte masti, aceeasi piesa,
Alte guri, aceeasi gama,
Amagit atit de-adese
Nu spera si nu ai teama.